What if we told you that the words you say have the power to change the shape of rice? It may sound crazy, but this is exactly what Dr. Masaru Emoto set out to explore in his famous rice experiment. In this experiment, Dr. Emoto placed different words near containers of boiled rice and observed the changes that took place. The results were fascinating!
How did Dr Emoto perform the experiment?
In one of his famous experiments, Dr. Masaru Emoto filled three jars with rice and water and labeled them accordingly. Two of the jars were labeled with positive words like “Thank You,” while the other was labeled with a negative word like “You Idiot.” For the next 30 days, he approached each rice jar individually and said either positive or negative words to them. At the end of the experiment, the rice in the jar that was labeled with positive words looked much better than the rice in the other two jars. This experiment shows how our words can affect not only rice, but also people and other things around us. So be careful with your words because they might just have a greater impact than you think.
Some of the words that Dr. Emoto used in his experiment included “love,” “gratitude,” and “thank you.” He found that the rice reacted positively to the words “love” and “gratitude,” while the rice reacted negatively to the words “hate” and “fear.”
The power of words
The most interesting result of the rice experiment was that the shape of the rice grains changed depending on the words that were used. The rice grains that were exposed to the words “love” and “gratitude” looked healthy and beautiful, while the rice grains that were exposed to the words “hate” and “fear” looked ugly and malformed.
This experiment shows the incredible power of words and how they can affect our physical world. The next time you are feeling negative, take a moment to think about the words you are using and see if there is a way to change them up. Choosing positive words can not only make you feel better, but it can also have a positive effect on the world around you. This is a powerful lesson that we can all apply in our lives.
When we speak kindly to ourselves and others, it has a positive effect on our mood and the way we feel. When we speak harshly to ourselves and others, it has a negative effect on our mood and the way we feel.
The next time you are feeling down, try replacing your negative thoughts with positive ones. It may be difficult at first, but with practice, it will become easier. And remember, the words you use have the power to change the world.
– the rice experiment
– the power of words
– how words can affect our physical world
– the importance of using positive words
– replacing negative thoughts with positive ones.